About Us

We are not anti-vaxxers. We are Americans and Friends of America who steadfastly believe civil liberties are put at great risk by Vaccine Passports and the technology behind them, for the reasons stated in our Open Letter. We also believe, as defenders of liberty, that now is the time to speak out to bring this issue to the attention of every level of executive and legislative leader in the United States, to secure our rights.

These rights are identified in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution as the unalienable rights of all human beings to be free from tyranny. The threats to these freedoms posed by government surveillance, social credit systems, corporate suppression of free speech, and invasions of privacy, are as real as any threat to freedom in human history.

We ask all freedom lovers to join us by signing the petition to stop vaccine passports, asking President Biden to issue Executive Orders and Congressional Leadership to secure legislation barring the use of vaccine passports or similar arrangements which could be used to suppress our constitutional rights.


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