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A Stop Vax Passports Task Force Webinar:
Natural Immunity Matters:
Follow the REAL Science
On Tuesday, Dec. 14, Stop Vax Passports task force held an important discussion regarding the impact of natural immunity denial by government agencies and their bureaucracies as we looked at what may be the catalyst behind the drive to vaccinate every man, woman, and child walking the earth—profit, power, and control—as they endeavor to introduce digitized tracking technologies and health-based social credit systems exported, like the virus, by Communist China. We peered into the Covid Tyranny of Melbourne, Australia. We heard from those bravely resisting this tyranny through legal battles and taking action at the state level.
This Stop Vax Passports task force webinar was moderated by Frank Gaffney, vice-chair for the Committee on the Present Danger: China, and hosted by Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.

The U.S. Government and the Centers for Disease Control have consistently refused to recognize the validity—indeed, the inconvenient truth— of natural immunity gained by those who have recovered from a Covid-19 infection. Instead, they insist on a seemingly endless round of vaccines and boosters as the only way forward towards herd immunity and an end to the pandemic.
Meanwhile, the real science shows that current available vaccines do not stop infection or transmission. Rather, natural immunity is stronger and more durable than vaccination. These facts have been jettisoned to justify political and profit-driven directives aimed at increasing vaccination rates—and related expansion of public health emergency powers—at all costs.
Those who have previously recovered from Covid-19, are being shamed, marginalized, and punished by policy makers and public health agents. Some are losing their job, are unable to attend school, and even being denied organ transplants. Health officials wrongly promote any spike in Covid cases as a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” These politicians and unelected bureaucrats willfully deny the growing body of scientific studies showing natural immunity is indeed stronger and more robust in protecting against severe disease and hospitalization than are the vaccines currently available.
When the numbers of vaccinated are added to those with natural immunity, will the population of the United States have reached “herd immunity?” If so, would the basis of “Emergency Powers” — wielded to take away our rights – be removed? Could Natural Immunity Denial be a necessary precondition to justify vaccine mandates and digital passports? Is coercion via vaccine mandate preparing us for coercion in other areas of our lives? Is discrimination against the unvaccinated part of an “Othering” campaign that will lead to internment camps for the unvaccinated in the U.S., similar to what is happening in areas of Australia? Are we drifting into bio-tech medical tyranny?
- Frank Gaffney
Moderator: Welcome - Reggie Littlejohn
Host: Welcome - Dr. Paul Alexander
Discrimination Against Natural Immunity
- Mathew Crawford
Pandemic of the Unvaccinated - Dr. Aaron Kheriarty
Anatomy of Coercion - Jenin Younes, Esq.
The Battle for Recognition of Natural Immunity - Prof. Todd Zywicki
Dismissed for Natural Immunity - Naomi Wolf
Taking Action at the State Level - Dr. Henry Ealy
Willful Misconduct & the Destruction of Trust - Jen Clarke
Covid Tyranny in Australia & The Melbourne Experiment - J.R. Nyquist
“Othering” — A Tool of Tyranny
Dr. Paul Alexander
- Dr. Paul E. Alexander, PhD, is currently an independent academic scientist and consultant with expertise in teaching of epidemiology (clinical epidemiology), evidence-based medicine, and research methodology. He is a former Assistant Professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine and has previously held positions of COVID Pandemic evidence-synthesis advisor to WHO-PAHO in Washington, DC (2020), and was a senior advisor to COVID Pandemic policy in Health and Human Services (HHS) Washington, DC for the US government. In 2008, while at the World Health Organization, Dr Alexander worked as a regional specialist/epidemiologist in Europe’s Regional office in Denmark and was assigned to a project involving Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, and Poland.
- Previously, Dr Alexander worked for the government of Canada as an epidemiologist for 12 years, appointed as the Canadian in-field epidemiologist (2002-2004) as part of an international CIDA funded, Health Canada executed project on TB/HIV co-infection and MDR-TB control (involving India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Afghanistan, posted to Kathmandu). From 2017 to 2019 Dr Alexander was at the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), Virginia, USA as the evidence synthesis meta-analysis systematic review guideline development lead/trainer.
Mathew Crawford
- Mathew Crawford is an applied statistician, Wall Street trader, mathematics textbook author, and entrepreneur who dropped everything to work on pandemic statistics and research in 2020. In 2021, he started sharing his thoughts and research in a substack he calls Rounding the Earth.
He is the founder of Campfire.wiki, a recently created tool for organizing information related to the pandemic and other topics of political contention. His research for this webinar will be found there.
He wrote the final chapter of the upcoming book by Dr. Tyson and Dr. Fareed, Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients.
Dr. Aaron Kheriarty
- Aaron Kheriaty is Professor of Psychiatry at UCI School of Medicine and Director of the Medical Ethics Program at UCI Health. He serves as chairman of the medical ethics committees at UCI Hospital and at the CA Department of State Hospitals.
- Dr. Kheriaty graduated from the University of Notre Dame in philosophy and pre-medical sciences, earned his MD degree from Georgetown University, and completed residency training in psychiatry at UCI.
- He has authored books and articles for professional and lay audiences on bioethics, social science, psychiatry, religion, and culture. His work has been published in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Arc Digital, The New Atlantis, Public Discourse, City Journal, and First Things. He has conducted print, radio, and television interviews on bioethics topics with The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, Fox, and NPR. On matters of public policy and healthcare he has addressed the California Medical Association and has testified before the California Senate Health Committee.
- Dr. Kheriaty is Senior Fellow and Director of the Program in Health and Human Flourishing at the Zephyr Institute, and Scholar at the Paul Ramsey Institute. He also serves on the advisory board at the Simone Weil Center for Political Philosophy. Dr. Kheriaty has consulted on Covid related ethical issues during the pandemic, such as ventilator triage and vaccine allocation, for the UC Office of the President, the County of Orange Healthcare Agency, and the California Department of Public Health.
Jenin Younes, Esq.
- Jenin Younes is Litigation Counsel at the New Civil Liberties Alliance in Washington, DC. Ms. Younes spent the first part of her career as an appellate public defender, providing representation to indigent clients convicted of criminal offenses in New York City. In this capacity, she briefed and argued countless appeals in New York’s Appellate Division, Second Department, and several cases in the New York State Court of Appeals. She also represented individuals at civil hearings in trial court.
- After witnessing governments throughout the nation violate human rights and civil liberties in an ostensible effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Ms. Younes became active in fighting against lockdowns and related policies. She has published numerous essays on the subject with the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) and recently published an op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal on the illegality of vaccine mandates for children. She has also appeared on broadcast media, including Tucker Carlson Tonight, The Ingraham Angle, and podcasts with Megan Kelly and Buck Sexton. Ms. Younes earned her BA degree from Cornell University and her JD degree from New York University School of Law.
Prof. Todd Zywicki
- Todd Zywickiis George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law at Antonin Scalia Law School, a Senior Scholar at the Mercatus Center, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, and a Senior Fellow of the F.A. Hayek Program for the Advanced Study of Politics, Philosophy, and Economics at George Mason University.
- Professor Zywicki has authored more than 130 articles in leading law reviews and peer-reviewed economics journals. He has testified multiple times before Congress on issues of consumer bankruptcy law and consumer credit and is a frequent commentator on legal issues in the print and broadcast media, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, Nightline, The Newshour with Jim Lehrer, Neil Cavuto Show, Fox & Friends, Fox Business, CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg News, BBC, The Diane Rehm Show, Lou Dobbs Show, Jerry Doyle Show, and The Laura Ingraham Show, and is a contributor to the popular legal weblog The Volokh Conspiracy.
- Professor Zywicki is the former chairman and a current member of the Board of Directors of the Competitive Enterprise Institute and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Humane Studies, Bill of Rights Institute, the Executive Committee for the Federalist Society’s Financial Institutions and E-Commerce Practice Group, and the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment. Professor Zywicki earned his BA degree from Dartmouth College, his MA degree in economics from Clemson University, and his JD degree from the University of Virginia School of Law.
Naomi Wolf
- Dr. Naomi Wolf is a graduate of Yale University and a Rhodes Scholar. She completed a DPhil in English Language and Literature from the University of Oxford in 2015. Wolf was a research fellow at the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department at Barnard College, and had a consultancy at the Athena Center for Leadership Studies, also at Barnard. She held a research fellowship at the Rothermere American Institute at the University of Oxford for her research on John Addington Symonds. She was a Distinguished Fellow in the Senior Common Room at New College, Oxford.
- Dr. Wolf has taught Victorian studies as a visiting professor in the Humanities Institute at Stony Brook University, as well as advocacy literature at The George Washington University. She has lectured on the themes in her latest book Outrages at the Ashmolean Museum, at Balliol College and at Mansfield College, and to the undergraduates in the Faculty of English Language and Literature, all at the University of Oxford, as well as for the Inaugural Rhodes LGBTQ+ Forum, held at Rhodes House, Oxford, where she also taught nonfiction writing to the Rhodes Scholars for several years. Wolf was an advisor on women’s issues and messaging to both the Clinton reelection campaign and to the Gore 2000 presidential campaign; cofounded the Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership and the American Freedom Campaign; and is CEO of DailyClout.io, a news site and legislative database on which she and her team explain US state and federal legislation weekly, interview national elected officials, and report on democracies worldwide. Wolf holds an honorary doctorate from Sweet Briar College and was a Glamour Woman of the Year.
- Her most recent books include the New York Times best sellers Vagina, Give Me Liberty, and The End of America, as well as the landmark best seller The Beauty Myth. Wolf lives in New York City.
Dr. Henry Ealy
- Dr. Henry Ealy (Dr. H) is the Founder of, & Executive Community Director for, the Energetic Health Institute. He holds a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from SCNM, a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA, is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition by the NANP and a proud Jackie Robinson Scholarship Alumnus. He has over 20 years of teaching & clinical experience helping people care for their amazing body by unlocking the healing potential of Natural Medicines.
- Dr. H hosts a weekly nationwide program, Energetic Health Radio, and is a regular writer on the America Out Loud network detailing the latest empirical evidence and research regarding the COVID crisis. You can listen to and read his volunteer effort on his America Out Loud team page.
- He is the lead author for the COVID Research Team that has published 5 manuscripts including the peer-reviewed and highly acclaimed COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective and the 444-page peer-reviewed position statement on willful misconduct COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Public Health Crisis. His team’s work has been covered by Dr. Mercola, Green Med Info, USA Today, Stand for Health Freedom, the Organic Consumer’s Association, and many highly respected news outlets. His team is the first to submit Formal Grand Jury Petitions exposing the rampant acts of alleged willful misconduct and call for a Congressional Investigation into the CDC’s violations of multiple federal laws.
Jen Clarke
- Once a successful Publisher with a vibrant business built over 27 years, traveling the world to work on humanitarian projects, Jen Clarke landed back in Melbourne Australia the day before the official declaration of a pandemic was made by the WHO. From total freedom of expression, movement and entrepreneurial pursuit, she discovered herself conscripted (without knowledge or consent) to a United Nations project that examines how Melbourne society reacts to the Victorian Governments’ ‘pandemic management strategies’. It’s known as “The Melbourne Experiment”, and it’s still going.
- Melbourne is the longest and harshest lockdown city in the western world with a leader who has recently ushered in the world’s first “Permanent Pandemic Law”, empowering him to declare (by decree) a pandemic even if the WHO does not and even if no virus exists. The people of Victoria can now be removed from their homes and sent to newly built ‘Quarantine Camps’ without any search warrant and with no usual court/legal recourse, if they are deemed by the government to be a “Public Health Risk”. The Victorian leader, Dan Andrews, has publicly declared that all uninjected people are a “Public Health Risk”. This is all on top of secret deals he made with China for Melbourne and Victoria to be the gateway to Australia for the Chinese Government.
- Discover how the people of Melbourne, Victoria and Australia are dealing with all of this and listen to learn what you can do to prepare and hopefully prevent your own states following suit.
J.R. Nyquist
- J.R. Nyquist has written for Newsmax, WorldNetDaily, SierraTimes, Financial Sense and Epoch Times. He is author of the book Origins of the Fourth World War, The New Tactics of Global War and The Fool and His Enemy.
- He is author of the J.R. Nyquist Blog (jrnyqist.blog)
Frank Gaffney
- Co-sponsor of the Stop Vax Passport Task Force and Vice Chair of the Committee on the Present Danger: China.
- Mr. Gaffney is the Executive Chairman for the Center for Security Policy. In 1988, Mr. Gaffney founded the Center for Security Policy. The Center has been nationally and internationally recognized as a resource for timely, informed, and penetrating analyses of foreign and defense policy matters. Under President Ronald Reagan, he acted as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy. He served as chairman of the High Level Group (NATO’s senior politico-military committee) and as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy under Assistant Secretary Richard Perle. He was also a Professional Staff Member on the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Reggie Littlejohn
- Co-sponsor of the Stop Vax Passport Task Force and President & Founder of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.
- Reggie Littlejohn is the founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, and co-chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force. A graduate of Yale Law School, she is an acclaimed international expert on China’s One Child Policy. Her organization has been called the “leading voice” in the battle to expose and oppose forced abortion and gendercide (the sex-selective abortion of baby girls) in China.
- Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is also saving lives in China. Their “Save a Girl” campaign has saved hundreds of baby girls. They have begun to save abandoned widows in China as well.
- Reggie has testified nine times at the United States Congress, three times at the European Parliament, twice at the British, and has spoken at the Irish and Canadian Parliaments, The Hague, United Nations, State Department, White House, and the Vatican as well.
- Reggie was honored as one of the “Top Ten people of 2013” by Inside the Vatican Magazine. She has worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta.
- She was given the National Pro-Life Recognition award by Priests for Life at the 40thMarch for Life. That same year she was the keynote speaker for the Canadian March for Life and for the National Right to Life Convention in Dallas. She has received the Cardinal O’Connor Pro-Life Award at the National Summit of Legatus. In 2021, she received the “Women in Leadership: Changing the World” award from Mission College in California.