WEBINAR | Natural Immunity Matters: Follow the REAL Science

(After pressing play, please wait while the video loads.) A Stop Vax Passports Task Force Webinar: Natural Immunity Matters: Follow the REAL Science On Tuesday, Dec. 14, Stop Vax Passports task force held an important discussion regarding the impact of natural immunity denial by government agencies and their bureaucracies as we looked at what may … Read more

MEDIA ADVISORY – Vaccine Mandates for Children: Child Abuse?

WASHINGTON, D.C.— The Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force will host a webinar on Wednesday, November 3rd from 2-3:30 p.m. ET to present medical evidence that vaccinating children is unnecessary and potentially harmful, to hear an uncensored account of someone injured by the vaccine, and to give voice to parents from California who oppose vaccine mandates for their children.

PRESS ADVISORY: Webinar To Expose The Catastrophic Harm To U.S. Security Caused By Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandates On The Military

PRESS ADVISORY For Immediate Release October 18, 2021 CONTACTS: For the Committee on the Present Danger: China Hamilton Strategies, Media@HamiltonStrategies.com, Beth Harrison, 610.584.1096, ext. 105, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102 For Women’s Rights Without Frontiers Reggie Littlejohn, 310.592.5722 reggielittlejohn@gmail.com   Webinar To Expose The Catastrophic Harm To U.S. Security Caused By Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandates On … Read more